Real-Time Whale Alerts for Maximum Profit
Harness the power of the whales. Get instant notifications when major players buy or sell tokens, so you can make profitable moves before the market reacts.

Stay Ahead of the Market
With Sauron Bot, your trades are backed by real-time data from the biggest crypto wallets. Effortlessly track the activity of whales and never miss a profitable opportunity.
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How to get Your Telegram ID:
Please follow the steps outlined below to obtain your Telegram ID.
Step 2:
Once the bot is open, click on the Start button if you haven't already, type the command /check, and send it.
Step 3:
The bot will respond with your Telegram ID.

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Why Use Sauron Over Other Bots?
Sauron is designed for convenience and speed. Unlike other bots, Sauron offers fully automated whale trade sniping, real-time updates, instant notifications, and an ever expanding list of tracked wallets. It’s a comprehensive solution for traders who want to maximize profit with minimal risk.
How Can I Make Money Using Sauron?
Crypto whales typically have insider information or are buying and selling in large volume. If you see that whales are all buying the same token, there is a chance that big news is coming for the coin and it might pump in price. If whales are all selling a token, there could be some bad insider news about to come. Either way, Sauron has you covered before the rest of the market reacts.
How Many Wallets Does Sauron Track?
Sauron Bot tracks hundreds of crypto whale wallets and is always searching for more. When it locates new and important whale wallet, they will automatically be added to the tracking list and you will receive new notifications from these wallets moving forward. You do not have to do any work, Sauron does it all.